Mostly, we would advertise our job vacancies on our Facebook page and website. Any application should be submitted to the Human Resources Senior Executive, Ms Chu via her email:
Mostly, we would advertise our job vacancies on our Facebook page and website. Any application should be submitted to the Human Resources Senior Executive, Ms Chu via her email:
10 Mei 2020 (17 Ramadhan 1441 H) | Salam Nuzul Quran kepada semua umat Islam . Semoga kita mendapat syafaat pada 17 Ramadhan ini dan Al-Quran sentiasa menjadi peneman hidup kita di dunia dan akhirat. “Bulan Ramadhan itu memiliki keberkatannya tersendiri dan ianya ditambahkan lagi dengan dipilih turunnya Al-Quran. Dan dipilih tempatnya menerima Al-Quran iaitu…
11,901 total views
Current carrying capacity depends on the cross-sectional area of the conductor and the material it is made from. The complexity of cable routes and environmental constraints such as burial depth, type of soil will also influence the current rating. It is often referred to as “derating factor”. Therefore engineers and designers, when calculating power load…
208,529 total views
Almost any type of copper or aluminium conductor produced today undergoes concentric stranding to build up to a desired cross-sectional area. For instance it is much more practical and cost effective to produce a 19-wire 35mm2 conductor than to produce a single solid 35mm2 conductor. 102,972 total views
102,972 total views
Calculating conductor weight is fairly straight forward. No complex formulas here. Simply multiply the conductor cross-sectional area by the material density of that conductor. Disclaimer: Our product knowledge sharing series is intended for information and educational purposes only. It shall not be construed as a technical guide or guarantee on our part. If you…
83,884 total views
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