Fruit festival at Central Cables Berhad. We had an awesome time together with local fruits such as duyan, mangosteen, duku, rambutan and pulasan. #rezekidikongsi #thankyouboss
74,475 total views
Fruit festival at Central Cables Berhad. We had an awesome time together with local fruits such as duyan, mangosteen, duku, rambutan and pulasan. #rezekidikongsi #thankyouboss
74,475 total views
Tarikh : 9 OCTOBER 2019Tempat : Central Cable Berhad 74,654 total views
74,654 total views
Copper and aluminium are primary choices of material for cable conductors due to its mechanical, electrical properties and of course price of the commodity itself. The table above show the comparison between various metals according to the International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS). The diagram on the right illustrates that different material due to different conductivity…
94,206 total views
Tarikh : 23 JULY 2019 Tempat : THE PACIFIC SUTERA, SABAH 79,242 total views
79,242 total views
You can learn a new skill, today, for free. You can take on a new task at work, right now, without asking anyone. You can make a connection, find a flaw, contribute an insight, now. Or not. In a fluid system, when people are moving forward, others are falling behind. The question, then, isn’t, “when…
74,327 total views