Fruit festival at Central Cables Berhad. We had an awesome time together with local fruits such as duyan, mangosteen, duku, rambutan and pulasan. #rezekidikongsi #thankyouboss
74,077 total views
Fruit festival at Central Cables Berhad. We had an awesome time together with local fruits such as duyan, mangosteen, duku, rambutan and pulasan. #rezekidikongsi #thankyouboss
74,077 total views
Staff retreat (Line leader and Executive) with the LIMITLESS theme has been held on 25 & 26 October 2019. The objective of this retreat: To have no limitation in yourself Limits only exist in your mind 74,380 total views
74,380 total views
Selamat menyambut ibadah puasa kepada seluruh umat islam. Puasa membawa maksud apabila seseorang itu “menahan diri daripada makan, minum dan perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa bermula dari terbit fajar sidik sehingga terbenam matahari berserta niat” Firman Allah SWT: “ Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang…
11,478 total views
18,19,20 Feb 2020 | Dewan 2020 Kangar, Perlis Pameran Sempena Kursus Kefahaman L-S1 (Rev, 4 2017) untuk kontraktor-kontraktor elektrik Negeri Perlis bersama tetamu VIP Y. Bhg. Hj. Ismail Bin Mohamad, Pengarah JKR Perlis dan Y. Bhg. Ir. Hj. Yaakob Bin Abdul Latif, Pengarah Kanan, Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik JKR Malaysia. 10,860 total views
10,860 total views