02 Mac 2020 | Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, JKR Melaka
Taklimat Produk Teknikal Central Cables Berhad (Housing Wire, Medium Voltage & Low Voltage) bersama Ir. Saiful Zuhaimi Bin Ahmad, Ketua Jurutera Elektrik Kanan
10 Mei 2020 (17 Ramadhan 1441 H) | Salam Nuzul Quran kepada semua umat Islam . Semoga kita mendapat syafaat pada 17 Ramadhan ini dan Al-Quran sentiasa menjadi peneman hidup kita di dunia dan akhirat. “Bulan Ramadhan itu memiliki keberkatannya tersendiri dan ianya ditambahkan lagi dengan dipilih turunnya Al-Quran. Dan dipilih tempatnya menerima Al-Quran iaitu…
Current carrying capacity depends on the cross-sectional area of the conductor and the material it is made from. The complexity of cable routes and environmental constraints such as burial depth, type of soil will also influence the current rating. It is often referred to as “derating factor”. Therefore engineers and designers, when calculating power load…
Copper, aluminium and aluminium alloys are common materials. For electrical conductors, the copper has to be 99.9% pure and the aluminium must be at least 99.5% pure. Alloys have slightly lower purity as other composite metals are added for tensile strength. Aluminium are more commonly used for aerial and overheads due to it being lighter…