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You may drop quotation and proposal via our email: purchasing team will assists you.
07 May 2020 | Happy Vesak Day to all Buddhist and those celebrating. Lets take this opportunity to count our blessings and help those who is less fortunate. May all of us continue to grow TOGETHER in wisdom, gratitude and compassion towards all sentient beings. 12,094 total views
12,094 total views
Selamat menyambut ibadah puasa kepada seluruh umat islam. Puasa membawa maksud apabila seseorang itu “menahan diri daripada makan, minum dan perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa bermula dari terbit fajar sidik sehingga terbenam matahari berserta niat” Firman Allah SWT: “ Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang…
10,951 total views
Current carrying capacity depends on the cross-sectional area of the conductor and the material it is made from. The complexity of cable routes and environmental constraints such as burial depth, type of soil will also influence the current rating. It is often referred to as “derating factor”. Therefore engineers and designers, when calculating power load…
208,530 total views
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