185,939 total views
185,939 total views
Happy Deepavali! Central Cables Berhad wishes you and your loved ones happiness, joy and peace in this festival of lights! Remember to stay safe and stay healthy. 13,595 total views
13,595 total views
Staff retreat (HOD and Executive) with the LIMITLESS theme has been held on 15 & 16 November 2019. The objective of this retreat: To have no limitation in yourself Limits only exist in your mind 74,241 total views
74,241 total views
We were honoured to have students from University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia visiting us as part of their course requirement. Align with our slogan CENTRAL to Nation’s growth, we look at our contribution more than just at the supply of power cables to light up the Nation, but also to the community, which is…
73,993 total views