14,078 total views
14,078 total views
Copper, aluminium and aluminium alloys are common materials. For electrical conductors, the copper has to be 99.9% pure and the aluminium must be at least 99.5% pure. Alloys have slightly lower purity as other composite metals are added for tensile strength. Aluminium are more commonly used for aerial and overheads due to it being lighter…
81,298 total views
Chinese New Year Celebration 2019 at Central Cables Berhad. We had great celebration with performance of Dragon Dance, Lion Dance and Yee Sang with all CCB staffs 76,121 total views
76,121 total views
Program “Back to School (BTS)” dan OSH Day adalah program tahunan anjuran Central Cables Berhad. Program gabungan ini di rasmikan oleh Dr Raabayah (Ketua Pengarah JKKP) dan En Zakrysham Zainal Bahry (Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif) diiringi bersama En Mohd Aizat (Pegawai Besar Korporat & Strategi) dan En Zani Kassim (Pengerusi OSH). Kedua-dua program tahun ini bertemakan…
74,961 total views
18,19,20 Feb 2020 | Dewan 2020 Kangar, Perlis Pameran Sempena Kursus Kefahaman L-S1 (Rev, 4 2017) untuk kontraktor-kontraktor elektrik Negeri Perlis bersama tetamu VIP Y. Bhg. Hj. Ismail Bin Mohamad, Pengarah JKR Perlis dan Y. Bhg. Ir. Hj. Yaakob Bin Abdul Latif, Pengarah Kanan, Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik JKR Malaysia. 10,408 total views
10,408 total views