10 Mei 2020 (17 Ramadhan 1441 H) | Salam Nuzul Quran kepada semua umat Islam . Semoga kita mendapat syafaat pada 17 Ramadhan ini dan Al-Quran sentiasa menjadi peneman hidup kita di dunia dan akhirat.
“Bulan Ramadhan itu memiliki keberkatannya tersendiri dan ianya ditambahkan lagi dengan dipilih turunnya Al-Quran. Dan dipilih tempatnya menerima Al-Quran iaitu melalui hati Rasulullah S.A.W. Walaupun setelah ketiadaan Rasulullah S.A.W , keberkatan Al-Quran tetap dipelihara oleh Allah SWT.”- (Al-Habib Zaenal Abidin bin Abu Bakar Al-Hamid)
Almost any type of copper or aluminium conductor produced today undergoes concentric stranding to build up to a desired cross-sectional area. For instance it is much more practical and cost effective to produce a 19-wire 35mm2 conductor than to produce a single solid 35mm2 conductor. 103,363 total views
Chinese New Year Celebration 2019 at Central Cables Berhad. We had great celebration with performance of Dragon Dance, Lion Dance and Yee Sang with all CCB staffs 76,426 total views
Staff retreat (HOD and Executive) with the LIMITLESS theme has been held on 15 & 16 November 2019. The objective of this retreat: To have no limitation in yourself Limits only exist in your mind 74,881 total views