Tarikh: 11/11/2019
Masa: 9 – 11 pagi
Tempat: Central Cable Berhad
74,502 total views
75,679 total views
75,679 total views
11 Mar 2020 | Central Cables Berhad Batch 2.0 from UTeM, Melaka for our Knowledge Sharing Program with Electrical students. This program was designed to give IPTA/ IPTS students exposure regarding the power cable industry. We also took the opportunity to enroll our people from the Executive Leadership Development Program to be a part of…
10,878 total views
Happy Deepavali! Central Cables Berhad wishes you and your loved ones happiness, joy and peace in this festival of lights! Remember to stay safe and stay healthy. 14,521 total views
14,521 total views
27 Feb 2020 | Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, JKR Pahang Product Knowledge”berkaitan kabel kuasa (Housing Wire, Medium Voltage & Low Voltage) bersama tetamu VIP Che Wan Nor Rahibiyah Binti Wan Adnan, Jurutera Elektrik Kanan. 12,955 total views
12,955 total views