We care for the environment too but we don’t use recycled plastics for our insulation materials.
14,548 total views
We care for the environment too but we don’t use recycled plastics for our insulation materials.
14,548 total views
Tarikh : 23 JULY 2019 Tempat : THE PACIFIC SUTERA, SABAH 78,351 total views
78,351 total views
Last week’s post, we shared the composition and material density of copper, aluminium and aluminium alloy. That determines the strength and conductivity of each material. The chart above shows the comparison between copper and three different grades of aluminium. The unique properties of each grade of material makes it suitable for different uses. For instance:…
192,680 total views
Tarikh : 26 September 2019Tempat : Vistana Kuantan City Centre 135,688 total views
135,688 total views
Chinese New Year Celebration 2019 at Central Cables Berhad. We had great celebration with performance of Dragon Dance, Lion Dance and Yee Sang with all CCB staffs 76,131 total views
76,131 total views